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Liberal Arts, United Arab Emirates and Etihad Aviation Group

november 8th, 2019 | Posted by Ott in Okategoriserade

Liberal arts

Pax tecum The liberal arts consist of 7 core disciplines divided into two parts trivium and quadrivium. One can trace its history back to medieval times even though it has been subject to change across time and nations. Still every liberal arts student must come to terms with these 7 arts. Results will vary greatly between people. The most common component for someone who studies might be the “freeing of the mind”, a highly questionable result but this is why philosophy is a good companion discipline to liberal arts. Philosophy helps to guide one to think deeply in a latitude and longitude of different ways achieving the result of being able to question oneself and how one perceives and thinks of the world around. Sure, learning about idea history and a wide range of disciplines without specialization may be seen as a non-essential for a career but through liberal arts the student gain tools in analysis and critical thinking. These tools are becoming more and more valuable in the modern-day work environment, which is in need of true out of the box thinkers’ people who can draw links between different subjects as well using them to grasp complexities so to be highly adaptable as well teachable.


As-Salaam-Alaikum The Middle east has been a hotspot for a lot of different trade during the years. In the 1800s pearl divers dove and collected valuable pearls from oysters outside of Abu Dhabi shores.  As trade weakened and the values of the pearls decline as if thru divine blessing, oil was found and a new trade boom followed. It would come to strengthen the country and lead to new prosperity and wealth. For the sake of not repeating the past and not having the country tear itself apart between rivaling clans (or the threat of outsider nations) an alliance was formed between the clan leaders, between the cities. The alliance formed is known as the United Arab Emirates. It was Sheik Zayed who proposed this, a highly revered and inspiring man who turned the country around. Education, infrastructure, travel and tourism all has been built with the future in mind. A new dynasty that would put the UAE as one of the world’s leading and most wealthy countries. So, the UAE started to look to the future, investing and spreading its wealth. Etihad was formed with government backing as a luxury and quality brand.


Many companies have been formed over the years in the UAE. All of them are to be tied to an Emirate as by Sheikh Zayed’s instructions.

I pass through the entrance of Etihad, an airline whose name mean unity. It is an appropriate name for a company who collects people from all around the world and through a structure of hulking metal and aluminum with an 80-meter wingspan and 1.3 million pound, 85 000 gallons of fuel, with an optimum amount of 500 passengers, hurling through the stratosphere at mac 0.8. These are the mighty A380s, the jet engine flag ship of Etihad, the back bone that lets people from all creeds and races be gathered and work together in Etihad.  I have no doubt I am surrounded by the best in the business, knowledge and expertise within the airline business if counted together would be hundreds of years of experience. Just like at Volvo cars I am a part of a team again, each cog in this business is essential for the ship to run and thus id will have to come to term with what a none-essential as myself will have to contribute here.

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